Men’s Ministry

Our Purpose

Men’s Ministry at UBC exists to help men become wholehearted followers of Jesus Christ who know Him and make Him known. Our aim is to see men strong in the Lord (Eph. 6:10), embracing the call to fitting authority and sacrificial responsibility so they can lead, love, protect, and provide in the home, church, and society. We encourage older men to train up younger men (2 Tim. 2:1-2) such that our men will be exemplary in character, strong in their convictions, and competent to work for the glory of God.


Men’s Breakfast is a monthly rally point for the men of UBC who want to become stronger men who build stronger men who live for the glory of God. We gather on the third Saturday of every month (August-June) to eat great food, sing with passion to King Jesus, let the Word of God exhort and encourage us, converse around tables, build relationships, and strengthen our ability as men to lead, love, protect, and provide.

Micro-Groups provide an opportunity for the men of UBC to gather in groups of 3-4 men on a regular basis. The purpose is to look back and inform one another of the challenges and triumphs since you last met, look down at the Bible together and pray for one another, and look ahead to help one another live effectively on mission for the glory of God.


Click this button to access the covenant for UBC Micro-Groups:

If you are interested in joining a Micro-Group, click this button to fill out a Placement Form:

Click this button to access our Micro-Groups Training videos:

Click this button if you want to participate in the Men’s Ministry Bible reading plan:

Upcoming Events

The Men’s Ministry hosts a variety of events throughout the year. To see what events are coming up, click the button below!

 Sharpen - Men’s Conference

Earlier this year, we hosted the “Sharpen” Men’s Conference at UBC. We recorded the audio from the three main sessions from the conference. If you’d like to listen to these recordings, click the button below!