UBC Mission Update - 2021, Issue 3

UBC Mission Update - 2021, Issue 3

Prayer Focus: Peru

Peru is a country in South America that has a variety of habitats from the Pacific coastal region, to the peaks of the Andes mountains, to the tropical Amazon Basin rainforest. While many would consider Peru to be a largely “Christian” country, an overwhelming number are Catholic by heritage and only 14% would consider themselves Evangelical. The primary language of the country is Spanish, but a large number still speak Quechua (primary indigenous language). According to the Joshua Project, there are still 15 UNREACHED people groups in Peru, with 3 of these considered Frontier for missionaries.

In April, UBC was invited to participate in a “virtual” mission trip to the Amazon area around the city of Tarapoto. During this trip, 3 local Tarapoto pastors were supported as they went out to remote villages to share the gospel and start discipleship groups. North Americans participated in real time via ZOOM and were able to pray for the people, share their stories and to share the gospel using 3-circles. Over the course of the weekend, 18 homes were visited and 8 professions of faith were seen. In addition, there are 10 follow-up meetings scheduled for the pastors to return with the new believers, and others that were not ready to make a profession during the first visit. We continue in prayer for our new brothers and sisters, and for those that are still lost.

Pastor Jhon Linares, one of the primary disciple-makers in the Amazon region, sends these prayer requests and thanks UBC in advance for our encouragement and support:

  • For God’s wisdom to be desired and given to pastors and leaders of the local churches.

  • For pastors and local leaders to be focused on a vision to reach the unreached.

  • For Christians in Peru to have courage to continue preaching the gospel, without fear.

  • For the Amazon region of Peru, and the team that is being formed there, to be committed to a vision for the lost, and a desire to see God’s saving grace taken to the unreached and least reached.

  • For discipleship groups to be formed and multiplying to 4th generations and more.

  • For unity within the body of Christian believers in Peru and amongst all of God’s people.

They also provide thanks and praise for partners, like UBC, who are providing encouragement and prayers.

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Recent Highlight: UBC Participation in Dayton Soccer League

Photo: UBC volunteers and players from L to R: Grant, Hannah, Paul, Denise, Janessa, Dave, Jordan, Brady, and Jackson

A total of 132 kids are participating in the Dayton Soccer league this spring.  This ministry has provided UBC members and families the opportunity to serve and play alongside a multitude of children from diverse backgrounds, and to represent Christ among the nations here in Dayton.

"Being a part of the Dayton Soccer League has provided an incredible opportunity to share the love of Christ with the nations right here in our own backyard! It's also provided our kids with the chance to join us in the great commission. Please pray for God to open up doors for the gospel through this league as there are over 15 nations and 1 unreached people group represented!" -Dave (Volunteer Coach)

"I like meeting new friends and playing at the park (playground) after soccer with my new friends." -Jackson (player)

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Spotlight / Opportunity:  Encourage Ethan O’Neel as he embarks on a Missions Trip to Asia!  

Ethan O'Neel will be going on a 2-month long mission trip with the International Mission Board (IMB) to Western Asia. As Ethan said, "I felt the call to take the gospel to the unreached. God has been cultivating my heart over the last several months for the unreached." He will be partnering with local missionaries in sharing the gospel and making Jesus' name known. Ethan said, "My heart is burdened for these people and I believe I have been called to missions after college."

So we all understand what Ethan means by "unreached" - unreached means any people group that is less than 2% evangelical Christian.

Please join us in praying for Ethan, the missionaries he will serve alongside, and the hearts of those he will come into contact with who do not know God that they will surrender and trust Christ as their Savior and submit to Him as the Lord of their lives.

Additionally, notecards have been placed behind each seat alongside the connection cards.  Grab a notecard and write a verse or a word of encouragement that Ethan can take with him as he spreads the gospel on the other side of the globe.  Ethan departs on May 23rd--please be sure to write your message before leaving church on May 16th.  You can drop off your notecards at the Mission Table or in the decorated collection box as you leave the building.  Thanks, UBC Family! 

May God bless you as you bless your neighbors,

Mission Team 

University Baptist Church


Caleb O'Neel