Asking For a 'Friend': Week 2
Sunday April 26, 2020
Was there a specific instance where last week’s sermon influenced your thinking in any way this week?
Are there things you feel you need to do before you die? (A Bucket List)
What stood out to you from this week’s sermon?
Does thinking/talking about death make you uncomfortable?
What would the world look like if death had never been introduced?
Do you fear death at all? What about it is most scary?
What happens to non-believers when they die?
What do each of these passages tell us about death? And why is what they say significant?
Pastor Jason gave us 5 answers about what happens when we die. Which one of these was surprise, a comfort, or of some specific significance?
Our physical body stays on earth
Our souls immediately go to be with the Lord
Our souls will be reunited with our glorified bodies
We will be judged by the way we live on earth
We will reign with Christ and be with Him forever
Will Christians be condemned or commended for their works after death? How does this affect the way you live now?
Does the thought of worshipping Christ for eternity in heaven excite you or bore you?
Pastor Jason gave us 3 applications regarding life after death, which one resonated with you the most and why?