Dollars and Sense - How to Give Our Money

Sunday, May 23, 2021

  1. This past weekend, we finished our 4 week series called “Dollars and Sense”. What is one practical takeaway that you got from the series? 

    • Are there any points of confusion or questions you are still asking regarding finances? 

  2. Take some time to read II Corinthians 9:6-15 aloud and pay attention to the ways we are called to live generously.  

  3. Verse 7 encourages us to give decisively. Why is it important that we make plans to be generous? (Or, what happens to our resources when we don’t make generosity a priority?)

  4. Verse 7 also encourages us to be cheerful givers. What does that mean? What is the difference between cheerful giving and reluctant or “under compulsion” giving?

  5. Do you tend to live in financial fear or trust? 

    • Read verses 8-11 again. What giving principle are these verses conveying?

    • How does/should that principle impact your financial choices day to day?

  6. How does our theology (our understanding of God) impact our giving? 

  7. In verses 12-14 talk about how giving is both our own act of worship AND helping others worship. How does financial giving accomplish each of those? 

  8. One of the big themes from the sermon was that gratitude leads to generosity and generosity leads to gratitude… which leads to more generosity… which leads to more gratitude… and so on and so on. So, what are you most grateful for today? 

    • How is God leading you to be generous in response?

  9. Think about the UBC ministry that is having a big impact on you, personally, right now. 

    • What does it cost for a ministry like that to happen? (money, people, time, etc.)

    • How is it supported? Who is supporting it? 

    • How can you express gratitude for that? 

  10. Verse 15 talks about the indescribable gift of Jesus. How are you seeing/experiencing the sweetness of Jesus right now? 

  11. At the end of the sermon, Jason gave 4 specific takeaways. Which one is challenging or resounding with you the most right now?

    • If you’ve never done so, receive God’s indescribable gift of Jesus. 

    • Decide to be a giver and make a plan. 

    • Determine where you are happy about God’s work and give there. 

    • Give for the sake of God’s glory.

Phil Wing