Mercy - Part 1
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Mercy Part 1 Sermon Guide
Main text: Psalm 139:13-16
Texts you can read/reference in your group at your discretion:
Genesis 1:27 (Created in the image of God)
Isaiah 44:24 (The Lord forms you in the womb)
Exodus 21 (Rights given to the preborn in the mosaic law)
Judges 13 (Samson referred to as a boy in his mother’s womb)
Jeremiah 1 (“You knit me together in my mother’s womb”)
Luke 1 (John the Baptist in the womb)
Ruth 4 (The Lord gave ruth conception)
Discuss the takeaways:
God intricately forms the people he has made
God intentionally predestines the people he has made
How do we respond?
Choose life for your child
Begin to pray
Start to speak up
Choose to vote
Consider your ministry
Questions for greater discussion
Have any of you been affected by abortion or the concepts discussed Sunday? If so, please share.
How is it that individuals who are physically or mentally disabled are fearfully and wonderfully made?
What are some ways we see Satanic agendas around us to steal, kill and destroy those made in the image of God? (John 10:10)
How does the Gospel apply to those who have lost children? What about those who have intentionally snuffed out the life of a child in the womb?
What are some practical ways you can speak up and advocate for the preborn around you?
How can you not just vote pro-life but live pro life?
Where is it proper to have conversation and dialogue about the horror of abortion in our culture?
Pray together and close it out!