Summer Camp is HERE! Don’t forget these reminders:

·       Check in will open up at 11:30am @ UBC East.

·       We will be leaving at 12:15pm. — Not after the 3rd service.

·       Please feed your student lunch before we leave. We won’t be stopping for lunch.

·       ALL MEDICINE MUST BE GIVEN TO NURSE AT REGISTRATION CHECK IN (this includes all medicine, even over the counter medicine, allergy medicine, melatonin...etc).

·       Don’t put your medication in your luggage on the bus!

·       Please have your RX medicine instruction sheet filled out before you arrive.

·       We will have Stumin H2O bottles and Stumin drawstring bags available for $5 each at check-in. We had a lot of students not drinking enough water last year and a lot of students leaving/losing things around camp. The bags will help our group look out for each other. You aren’t required to buy one, but they will be available at check-in.

Lastly, we’ll be returning to UBC East on Thursday @ 1:00pm. Look for a text message from 937-907-4500 on Thursday to confirm that arrival time. Please note that we don’t monitor incoming messages to that number. If you need to get in touch with us anytime while we’re at camp, you can text or call Rob’s cell phone. The number was in the parent’s packet.

See you in a few hours!