UBC Mission Update - 2021, Issue 9
Prayer Focus: Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child was founded in 1990 in the UK as an outreach to Romanian orphans. In 1993, individuals in the UK reached out to Samaritan’s Purse to see what they could do for the children of Bosnian people that had suffered so much during their brutal civil war. Several churches in the US and Canada participated to have 28,000 boxes filled that year to go to Bosnia. This ministry to children through a packed shoe box of toys and practical items, as well as on-the-ground discipleship, has introduced many to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today, millions of boxes are packed and distributed to 100+ countries all over the earth, including highly restricted countries. Some specific prayer requests for this ministry are:
For the orphans that will be receiving these boxes as a very small token of God’s love for them. That they would see God’s love for them and God would draw them to Himself.
For “The Greatest Journey” discipleship program that is done in many of the countries by natives of the county where the boxes are received. That the seed would fall on fertile ground and bear fruit for the glory of God.
For the volunteers that go to sites that inspect each box and prepare them for international shipping. Every hour time is set aside from the work to pray over the boxes and for those that will be receiving them.
Pray that this Scripture would find fulfillment in some measure through the love, prayers, and sacrifices made “All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you. For kingship belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the nations.” Psalm 22:27-28
Recent Highlight: Mission Team Teaches U!Kids
On September 26, the Mission Team led the teaching time with U!Kids at all three services. The lesson was about “Sin Entering the World'' which was a bridge to the Gospel, and then how we are called to share the Gospel with others. Ethan O’Neel and Jim Corbin shared stories of their recent trips as missionaries to countries overseas, and sharing God’s story of salvation (The Gospel). The kids loved hearing about Turkey, and Ethan being in Ephesus. Jim shared pictures of other cultures worshipping and kids singing in Swahili. The children asked great questions, and learned another tool to share the Gospel with their friends and family.
Spotlight: Shoup Park Outreach
(Halderman/Hart Growth Group & Mission Core Team)
On October 20th, a UBC Growth Group and members of the Mission Core Team conducted a local outreach at Shoup Park, which included free pumpkin-coloring, snacks, and story-telling. The children of UBC families were encouraged to go and invite other children at the park to come and partake in the free activities. The intent of the event was to tangibly serve our local community, connect with our neighbors in Beavercreek, and promote awareness of University Baptist Church.
Aaron Perry acquired 100 pumpkins from Young’s Jersey Dairy and, in total, 70 pumpkins were passed out and colored by neighbor children. A children’s story with strong gospel themes was also read to many of the children, with onlooking parents. Many conversations were shared between UBC families and neighbor families at the park; UBC families also passed out UBC information cards. The hope is that these kinds of events are repeated in different neighborhoods where UBC families reside.
Opportunity: Operation Christmas Child Packing Party on November 20th
We will be hosting a church wide OCC shoebox packing party on November 20th from 3-5pm at UBC Main. We are asking you and your family to consider donating the following items: washcloths, bars of soap, and toothbrushes. You can drop your donations off at the Mission Table at UBC Main in the Welcome Center. Thank you for loving children around the world in a tangible way!
Find out more about the Packing Party here: https://ubc.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1053637
Prayer Points:
For those in closed countries, that doors would be open to the boxes and the gospel
For the orphans who will be receiving the boxes, that although they lack earthly families they will feel the love of their heavenly Father and come to know Him personally
For the pastors and missionaries passing out the boxes, that they would speak the truth boldly
For the safety of the volunteers as they travel to help prepare and ship the boxes
For the kids, that they would take the next step in the greatest journey and enter into a lifetime of living as disciples of Jesus
To read past Mission Updates or to get more information about UBC on Mission, visit www.ubcbeavercreek.com/mission.