Love Like Jesus Week 2

Sunday July 12, 2020

  1. How is your relationship with your neighbors (those that live next to you)? 

    • Are you close, cordial, or clashing? 

    • What is the best or craziest thing about your neighbors?

  2. The Good Samaritan is a familiar story to many who have been in church for a while. Was there anything that stuck out to you as new or different about the way that Pastor Jason taught it? 

  3. Take some time to read Luke 10:25-37 aloud. 

  4. If you were in the crowd, what would you say to the lawyer who spoke up to test Jesus? 

  5. What is unique about Jesus’ response to the lawyer’s questions? 

  6. This passage redefines the idea of a “good neighbor”. 

    • Who is our neighbor?

    • How did the Samaritan show love to his neighbor?

  7. As Pastor Jason said, when we have received His mercy, we will go and do likewise. Is there a person (or type of person) that you regularly struggle to show mercy? 

  8. What truth are you forgetting/ignoring when you struggle to be merciful?

  9. How has God been merciful to you? (Don’t overgeneralize. Be specific.) 

    • How are His mercy and love connected? 

  10. What is 1 way that God is challenging you to exemplify His love & mercy to your neighbor? (Could your Growth Group do this together? How can they keep you accountable?)

John Buedel