Love Like Jesus Week 1

Sunday July 5, 2020

  1. In the sermon, Jason referenced Boston’s “More Than a Feeling”. In your opinion, what are the greatest love songs of your generation? 

  2. How does our culture often define love? 

    • How is love depicted in media & entertainment? 

    • What does it get right and what does it get wrong?

  3. Read John 15:12-17 aloud. 

  4. In the passage, we see that love is more than just how we feel - it requires action. Why are we so prone to define it by feelings though? 

  5. When it comes to loving like Jesus, what would the church look like if we waited to love until we felt like it? 

    • Are there people, situations, or opportunities that you’ve been avoiding because they don’t feel good? 

  6. Jason reminded us that Jesus didn’t wait for good feelings before He chose to show us love. Make a list of examples of how/when Jesus chose love over feelings. 

  7. This passage also shows us that love is about self-sacrifice, not self-preservation. Can you recall a time when you had to choose between self-sacrifice or self-preservation? (Between what would be better for you vs. what would be better for someone else?) 

  8. In the sermon, Jason described the difference between a transactional approach to love vs. a relational approach to love. Which did Jesus choose? Give examples. 

    • If you’re being honest, have you been gravitating toward the transactional approach more than the relational approach? 

    • If so, what is one step you can take to pursue a relationship over transaction? 

  9. The big point of the sermon was “When we realize how much we’ve been loved by Jesus, we will start to love others like Jesus.” So, how has Jesus expressed His love to you? 

  10. How can your close friends (or members of your Growth Group) help keep you accountable as you try to love like Jesus?

John Buedel