The Church - Week 5

Sunday, October 11, 2020

In the first 4 weeks of “The Church” series, we answered the questions “Why do we need to be taught about the church?”, “What is the church?”, “What is the purpose of the church?”, and “Why does the church gather for worship together?”. This week, we answer “How do we live on mission as the church?” 

  1. Read Acts 1:8 & Matthew 28:18-20. What does it mean to be a “witness”? 

    • What is the power source?

    • What is the result?

  2. Oftentimes, being a witness can be costly. How is it costly in our culture today? Have you ever had an experience where it was risky or costly to be a witness? 

  3. In Acts 8:4-8, 26-39, we learn about Philip, an ordinary church member that God used to be a great witness. In those verses, how does Philip respond to the unexpected, unexplained, but very intentional place that God sent him? What sticks out to you about Philip’s actions in this passage? 

  4. Is there a “Philip” in your life? Is there someone who is just a normal, everyday person that God is using in mighty ways? How do they encourage/challenge you as you consider how to be a witness?

  5. In the sermon, Jason talked a lot about listening to AND following the lead of the Holy Spirit. How do we listen to the Holy Spirit? How can we know if what we are hearing is actually from the Holy Spirit and not just our own emotions/desires/etc? 

  6. The Holy Spirit led Philip into a desert for this significant interaction with the Ethiopian. Have you had seasons in your life where it seemed that the Lord led you into a figurative “desert” as well? Looking back, how did the Lord lead, teach, or use you during that season? 

  7. A witness is one who learns to follow the Spirit’s leading to anywhere and anyone at any time. What holds us back from being “anywhere, anyone, any time” witnesses? 

  8. So where is the Spirit leading you? Who is He calling you to bear witness to? What step can you take THIS WEEK to be a witness for Christ? 

  9. Take some time to pray for willingness, sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading, and boldness to be a witness. Also pray for UBC as we seek to live on mission together.

Phil Wing