The Church - Week 6

Sunday, October 18, 2020

In the first 5 weeks of “The Church” series, we answered the questions “Why do we need to be taught about the church?”, “What is the church?”, “What is the purpose of the church?”, “Why does the church gather for worship together?”, and “How do we live on mission as the church?” This week, we discuss “What is real community in the church?”

  1. What communities (official and unofficial) have you been a part of in your life?  (ie boy scouts, band, golf league, etc) 

  2. Read Acts 2:42-47.
    What did Phil mean when he focused on the difference between “description” and “prescription”?  Why is that important to remember?

  3. On a piece of paper or in your Notes app, take a minute and write down a 1 sentence summary of what real community means for the church. (If you are with a growth group, take some time to share your summaries with each other.)

  4. “Community isn’t found. Community is built.”  Compare and contrast the differences between community being found vs built. 

  5. How are you doing in your devotion to God’s Word? How do you think UBC is doing?

  6. Are you invested in real “koinonia” fellowship? (Are you actively seeking to know, love, and serve a community?) 

    • If so, what impact is it having? 

    • If not, why do you think that fellowship is lacking right now?

  7. What is significant about the phrase “breaking bread” together?  

    • How does it connect to the Last Supper and Jesus’ instructions to His disciples?

    • How does it connect to us “doing life” together?

  8. If prayer is the “language of dependence”, does your prayer life indicate that you fully depend on Jesus? Why or why not?

  9. Of the 4 Devotions of real community, which one is hardest for you? Why? 

    • What is 1 step you can take this week to cultivate that devotion even more?

  10. How can our group grow in these 4 devotions? Be specific. 

  11. In light of our current cultural climate (pandemic, election, racial unrest, etc), how could UBC’s commitment to these 4 devotions make an impact on those around us?

Phil Wing