The Church - Week 11

Sunday, November 22, 2020

In week 11 of our series on “The Church” we answer the question “Who is supposed to lead a church?” Churches are to be led by qualified elders who shepherd Jesus’ flock. 

  1. What comes to your mind when we use the term “elders”?

  2. What does it mean when we call elders “under-shepherds”?

    • Why is it important that we remember the “under” part of “under-shepherds”? 

  3. What were the other words used interchangeably for elder in the NT?

    • What is the big idea of these interchangeable titles?

  4. Read Acts 20:17-38. Describe the context of Acts 20 and how that helps us understand leadership in the church.

  5. Read I Timothy 3:1-7. Jason spoke of 2 aspects of a qualified elder: calling & character.

    • What does it mean for someone to be “called” to be an elder? 

      • Differentiate between “desire” and “aspire” as used in I Timothy 3:1.

        • What is the connection to “calling”?

        • How does one know if he is “called” to serve as an elder in the church?

    • Review the character qualities in I Timothy 3:1-7.

      • How does it make you feel to see a list of character qualities like that as a requirement for church leadership? 

  6. What does it mean to be “above reproach”?

  7. A qualified elder will be above reproach in 4 areas: personal life, family life, social life, and spiritual life. Look at  I Timothy 3:1-7 and point out the specific phrases that point to each of those 4 areas. 

  8. Jason mentioned a handful of specific applications for UBC: 

    • We must embrace the high standard for leadership.

      • Why is this important for us as a church? 

        • What happens to the church when we start valuing personality, ability, or charisma over character in leadership? 

    • If you have a sense of calling, then express it and start serving.

      • Is this you? Have you ever sensed a calling from the Lord to serve His church as a leader? 

    • This is what we look for as we move toward elder-led governance.

      • Do you know men in UBC that seem to have the character qualities of an elder? How are they currently showing elder-qualities in the way they serve the church? 

    • Pray for current and future elders of UBC.

      • Pray for their personal walk with Jesus.

      • Pray for strength against the enemy’s attacks. 

      • Pray for their families.

    • Remember who our ultimate leader is.

      • Why is it important to remember that “Jesus is a shepherd who leads with grace”?

Phil Wing