The Church - Week 12

Sunday, November 29, 2020

  1. After the Thanksgiving holiday, did you find yourself grateful in any new or unique ways this year as opposed to previous years? 

  2. At the start of the sermon, Jason talked about the importance of looking for character before competence. Why is this so important when selecting leaders for the church? What are the potential downfalls of overemphasizing competence over character? 

  3. Read Acts 20:28. What is the context of this passage? (See verses 17-32. / Who, what, where, when, why)

  4. The first way that elders are called to shepherd the church is by leading, both with watchful direction and exemplary living. 

    • How does an elder give watchful direction to the church?

    • What is “exemplary living” and why is it important for our leaders? (See Acts 20:18-27 and I Peter 5:1-3)

  5. The second way an elder shepherds the church is by feeding (or teaching). 

    • What happens to the church if its leaders do not know the Word? 

    • What are some of the ways that an elder can teach the Word? Does it just mean preaching on Sundays? If not, what other ways are there?

  6. Elders are also called to “tend” to the church. How do the elders ensure that the church is cared for? 

    • How did the elders make sure that the church was cared for in Acts 6:1-7?

    • How does an elder’s commitment to pray for the church add to the overall care of the church? 

  7. The fourth way that elders are called to shepherd the flock is by defending it. 

    • What do the elders defend against? (see Acts 20:29-31)

    • What are some examples of false teaching that have sprung up within the church recently? How did you see faithful elders/pastors defending the church from these teachings? 

    • Elders also protect the flock by addressing the sin that is within it. How do you react when you think about your church leaders confronting you or other church members about their sin? 

      • Have you seen this done well before? 

      • Review the Biblical template for addressing sin within the church. Matthew 18:15-17

  8. Ultimately, Jesus is the primary shepherd of the Church and our elders are called to follow His example. How have you seen Jesus exemplify leading, feeding, tending, and defending His Church? 

  9. Spend some time praying for the elders that God will put in place at UBC - pray that they will lead like Jesus! 

  10. Has this 12 week series helped you grow in your understanding of The Church? What are 1-2 specific ways it has helped?

Phil Wing