Christmas Playlist - Week 2

Sunday, December 13, 2020

  1. What is your favorite Christmas song? Which one makes you cringe the most? 

  2. Discuss the backstory of Zechariah’s song. What led up to his song? (See Luke 1 for specifics if needed.)

  3. When the angel came to Zechariah and told him God’s plan, Zechariah was skeptical and asked for a sign. Can you relate to Zechariah’s first response to the angel?

    • What are the dangers of needing a sign or waiting for certainty/clarity before we submit to the Lord? 

  4. Have you ever had an experience where God answered your prayer by taking something away? 

    • If so, how did you respond? 

    • Would you respond the same way if you had to do it over again?

  5. Read Luke 1:67-79

  6. In Zechariah’s song, he talks about God visiting and redeeming. He’s declaring that God is here and working even when we haven’t seen Him. 

    • Do you wrestle with not “hearing” or “feeling” God at times? 

    • How does Zechariah’s reminder of God’s presence & redemption impact our seasons of silence?

  7. How is God’s faithfulness revealed in Zechariah’s song? 

    • Why is it meaningful to you to know that God keeps His promises?

  8. Have you ever had an experience where God came through in an unlikely way? 

  9. When was the last time you recognized God’s mercy? What brought about that recognition? 

    • When you think about how God has a constant disposition of mercy toward you because he poured out all of His wrath on Jesus (leaving no wrath left for you), how does it make you feel? 

    • What does Romans 12:1 tell us about a proper response to seeing God’s mercy? 

  10. How are you being challenged to live/serve right now in light of this present, faithful, and merciful God?

Phil Wing