Christmas Playlist - Week 3

Sunday, December 20, 2020

  1. This week we were talking about Luke 2 where the shepherds heard the angels’ song of good news. Have you ever received good news in a unique way? (baby announcement, singing telegram, etc)

  2. Read Luke 2:8-20

  3. Like we’ve talked about each week, Shane encouraged us to get away from the simple, cartoonish way that we often picture the Christmas story, specifically the angelic host and the “glory of the Lord”. How would you describe the scene? How would you be reacting if you experienced what the shepherds saw & heard? 

  4. In vs 11, there are 3 titles used to identify Jesus. What are they and how do they encapsulate the good news of the Gospel? 

  5. If the message that the angels gave to the shepherds was true, then what keeps people from believing it? Why are we often too stubborn to accept the help we so badly need? 

  6. Shane explained how the “sign” described in vs 12 was a “small thing that proved a much bigger thing.” What was the bigger thing that baby Jesus was proving to be true? 

  7. After the shepherds have investigated and found the angels’ news to be true, how do the shepherds respond? (vs 17-20) How should we be responding to the truth of that same news today?

  8. C.S. Lewis says “telling someone about your joy is the fullest expression of joy.” If Jesus is your true joy, what is 1 way that you can share that joy this week? 

  9. Was there anything else from the angels’ song or from the sermon that really stood out to you?

Phil Wing