I Thessalonians - Week 2

Sunday, January 10, 2021

  1. At the beginning of the sermon, Jason shared a story about “secret shoppers” who visited churches and provided feedback and critique based on their experiences. What do you think secret shoppers would have to say after a visit to UBC? What is commendable? What is a potential blindspot? 

  2. Why is it important to express gratitude for commendable things when we see them? 

    • What is some of the most timely or beneficial encouragement that you’ve ever received? 

  3. Read I Thessalonians 1:2-10

  4. There are a few categories of things that Paul celebrates in this section of his letter to the Thessalonian church. The first thing he celebrates are their efforts. Read vs 2-3 and identify some of the “efforts” that Paul celebrates. 

    • As you identify those celebrated efforts in vs 2-3, who in your life has modeled those same things for you? 

  5. Is there a difference between working FOR faith and working FROM faith? Specifically, discuss the difference between effort FOR salvation and effort FROM salvation. 

  6. When you read vs 4, how does it make you feel when you read the word “chosen”? (It would be easy for this to become a debate about the topic of predestination but the encouragement here is to gauge our response to a Biblical statement. It says “chosen” so let’s discuss how we respond to that while being sensitive to the fact that not everyone will respond the same as you.) 

  7. What do vs 5-8 tell us are the kinds of evidence that show that the church in Thessalonica had been chosen? 

    • Put those kinds of evidence into modern terms. How can we know if we have been chosen today? 

    • Does your lifestyle align with someone who has been saved?

  8. One of the things that Paul celebrated about this church was their evangelism. They had not only heard the Word, but they were sharing it as well. How about you? Does sharing the gospel with unbelievers come naturally for you or does it make you fearful? Why?

  9. In what ways is vs 10 a comfort AND a challenge to followers of Jesus? 

  10. As UBC moves forward with the mission that God has given us, how are you being challenged to step up and help? Have you been dragging your feet about getting plugged into a ministry? Is there a gospel conversation that you know you need to have with an unbeliever? How can our group help keep you accountable to take a step forward?

Phil Wing