I Thessalonians - Week 1

Sunday, January 3, 2021

  1. What is something that you find yourself grateful for about 2020? What are you most looking forward to about 2021?

  2. In this week's sermon, Pastor Jason started us into our 12 week series on the book of I Thessalonians. Have you spent any time studying this book before? If so, do you remember anything significant about it?

  3. Read I Thessalonians 1:1 and Acts 17:1-9.

    • Who are the writers and what do we know about them?

    • Who are they writing to?

  4. Before going to Thessalonica Paul was trying to go to Asia. Jason shared with us about how God prevented Paul from going to Asian because he really wanted Paul to go to Thessalonica. He made the point that some times God says no to something, potentially even something good, because his plan is for you to go somewhere else. Have you ever had that experience before? Where God closed a seemingly good door so that he could open another?

  5. The church in Thessalonica was experiencing persecution because of their faith in Jesus. Most of us in the U.S. haven’t experienced persecution in the same way as the Thessalonians, but that doesn’t mean persecution is non-existent. Have you ever experienced persecution? If so, how did you respond? 

  6. Paul often talks about how God used Silas to encourage him on his ministry journeys through faithful friendship, servanthood, and loyalty amidst hardship. Do you have a friend like that? How have they encouraged you in the callings God has placed in your life? 

  7. One of the themes of I Thessalonians is our future hope. Do you feel ready for Christ’s return? If so, how would you encourage others to get ready for His coming? If not, what is preventing you from being ready? 

  8. In the sermon, Jason asked each of us to consider if God’s work in our lives was a present movement or mainly just past memories. How would you answer that? Are you currently experiencing God’s moving & changing power? When was the last time you prayed and asked God to work in you more than ever before? 

  9. What is one way that God is leading you to pray for UBC this year?

Phil Wing