I Thessalonians - Week 4

Sunday, January 24, 2021

  1. When did you receive your first Bible? Was there anything significant about when you received it? (If you don’t own a physical Bible, we highly recommend the YouVersion Bible App or www.bible.com)

  2. In the sermon Jason talked about receiving the Word physically, but also receiving it personally and powerfully. Is there a particular passage of scripture that has hit you in a very personal & powerful way? What made it so impactful for you?

  3. Take some time to read I Thessalonians 2:13-16 aloud. 

  4. When talking about the Bible, Jason used the words “inspired, authoritative, and sufficient”. What does each word mean and why are they important for us to understand as we read the Bible today? (See II Timothy 3:16-17 for reference.)

  5. What does your time in the Word look like lately? 

    • Is there a daily intake? 

    • Do you have a regular method that helps you process what you read?

  6. How is the Word changing you right now? 

  7. Has there been a time where it was hard for you to agree with Scripture? How do you respond when you read something in the Bible that goes against your previous understanding (or when you hear a sermon point that goes against your way of thinking?)

  8. If it is true that the Bible receives more attack than any other religious book, why do you think that is? What is it about the Bible that causes such polarized responses? 

  9. Have you ever experienced harsh criticism or strong pushback because you agreed with the teaching of the Bible?

  10. Spend some time praying that UBC would be a family that truly knows God, accepts and affirms the truth of His Word, and stands strong amidst opposition.

Phil Wing