I Thessalonians - Week 5

Sunday, January 31, 2021

  1. Take some time to read I Thessalonians 2:17-3:13 aloud and look for the 4 evidences of Christian love.

  2. The first evidence of Christian love was a desire for one another’s presence. (I Thes 2:17-20

    • In your opinion, how has Covid19 impacted the Church’s desire for one another’s presence?

    • How has it weakened the desire?

    • How has it increased it?

  3. Reflect on the phrase, “If the enemy can get you isolated, the enemy can make you vulnerable.” We see this in the animal kingdom, but what about our spiritual lives? In church life? 

  4. How is God leading you to take a step toward connecting with other believers?

  5. The second evidence of Christian love is sacrifice for one another’s good. (I Thes 3:1-5)

    • What is the significance of Paul’s sending of Timothy?

    • How was it sacrificial?

    • What is a practical example in your life of this kind of sacrificial service?

  6. Are there particular things that God is calling you to sacrifice in order to connect more deeply with other believers? (Time, activities, energy, resources, etc)

  7. The third evidence of Christian love is joy for one another’s salvation. (I Thes 3:6-9) Who’s salvation are you longing to celebrate?

  8. Who has God used in your life that you will want to “look up in Heaven” one day? 

  9. The fourth evidence of Christian love is prayer for one another’s growth. (I Thes 3:10-13) What specific things does Paul pray for the Thessalonians? How do they go hand in hand?

    • Finish your time together by praying for UBC in those same ways. 

Phil Wing