Asking For a Friend: Part 2 - "Do I Have to Forgive that Person?"

Sunday, April 18, 2021

  1. Whether in the past or currently, have you had a time where it was difficult to forgive?

  2. Share a time in your past where God gave you the grace to forgive someone.

    • Can you share a time when you were on the receiving end of someone’s forgiveness? 

  3. In the sermon on Sunday, Jason said “The Gospel frees you to forgive the worst in others just as God forgives the worst in you.” To start, what is the Gospel and why is it good news? What is the bad news and how does the good news of the Gospel come against it? 

    (See I Corinthians 15:3-4, I Peter 2:24, I Peter 3:18, I Timothy 1:15, Ephesians 1:7)

  4. What is forgiveness?

  5. How are forgiveness and reconciliation different? How do they work together? 

  6. What are the dangers in “pretending it never happened” instead of actually forgiving? 

  7. How does the good news of the Gospel enable us to be forgiving people? 

  8. How did Corrie Ten Boom’s testimony (video) of forgiveness impact you? Was there anything specific that really stood out to you? 

  9. Why is the act of forgiving an enemy/abuser/etc such a powerful expression of God’s grace? 

  10. Is there anybody that you’re struggling to forgive (or refusing to forgive) that God has laid on your heart right now? What action do you need to take in order to move toward forgiveness?

Phil Wing