Asking For a Friend: Part 2 - "Why do we believe the Bible is trustworthy?"

Sunday, April 25, 2021

  1. In this week’s sermon, we answered the question “Why do we believe the Bible is trustworthy?” What do you think are the most common reasons that someone struggles to believe the Bible is trustworthy? 

    • Has there been a time when you did not believe it was trustworthy?

  2. Jason addressed 2 not-so-good reasons to believe something is trustworthy: 1) “That’s how I was raised” and 2) “I tried it and it worked for me.” Obviously, both of these can be true in your life, but why would these be considered not-so-good reasons to prove something is actually true?

  3. Review the 6 reasons that we CAN believe it is trustworthy (C.H.A.M.P.S.):

    • C - Christ - Jesus believed the Bible was true and quoted the Old Testament often. 

      • Some people want Jesus without wanting the Bible. Why doesn’t that work?

    • H - Historical Accounts - All of the Biblical writers, many historians, and hundreds of eye-witnesses give account to the life and work of Jesus. 

      • What are the differences between the “scientific method” and the  “evidentiary method”? Which applies to historical events? 

      • Why are eye-witness accounts so important?

    • A - Archaeology - over 25,000 archaeological findings have confirmed the writings of the Bible (Examples: The Gallio Proconsul Inscription of 1904, The Pool of Siloam 2005, etc.)   

    • M - Manuscripts - There are 6000 manuscripts or fragments of manuscripts. 

      • How do we get our translations of the Bible today? 

    • P - Prophecy - over 2000 fulfilled prophecies from scripture. 

    • S - Self-Authentication - The Bible proves itself to be true as our spiritual eyes are opened and we see God’s Word as the highest authority of truth. 

    Were there 1 or 2 of these that were particularly helpful for you?  

  4. In your experience, have you ever seen someone “logically argued” into belief?  

  5. Read II Corinthians 4:3-6 and II Peter 1:16-21 aloud. What do these passages tell us about the self-authentication & trustworthiness of scripture? 

  6. Reflect on the statement “The truth of scripture is revealed to us as light is revealed to a blind man.” What does this mean?

  7. Do you feel more equipped to talk with someone about the trustworthiness of the Bible? 

    • Is there someone in particular that you know would benefit from a conversation like that? Pray for them today. 

Proverbs 30:5 - Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.

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Phil Wing