II Thessalonians - Week 5

Sunday, July 11, 2021

  1. In this series on the book of II Thessalonians, our big theme has been to remain steadfast and unshaken until Christ returns. This week, we focused on the mission-minded church and, specifically, how we can pray like a mission-minded church. Take some time to read II Thessalonians 3:1-5 together as a group. 

  2. This week’s sermon talked a lot about the spread of the Gospel. What is the Gospel? As a group, come up with a 1-3 sentence definition in your own words. 

  3. In vs 1, Paul talks about his desire for the Gospel to “speed ahead”. From your understanding or experience, what types of things slow down the spread of the Gospel? 

    • How does the “honoring” of the Gospel message factor into the speediness of it’s spread? 

  4. Who led you to Christ? (or who was the person that helped you see your need for Jesus?) 

    • Do you know who led them to Christ? How far back can you go on that “spiritual family tree”? 

  5. Why is it important for churches to pray for the protection of the Gospel messenger? (vs 2)

  6. In vs 3 we are reminded to pray with trust in the faithfulness of God. 

    • What do our prayers look like when we are NOT trusting in God’s faithfulness? 

    • How do our prayers change when there is a deep trust in His faithfulness? 

  7. “All God's giants have been weak men and women who have gotten hold of God's faithfulness.” - Hudson Taylor // Who comes to mind when you think of this quote? (Someone “weak” who had a big impact because of their dependence on God’s faithfulness.)

  8. As we pray like a mission-minded church, vs 4-5 push us to pray with a focus on the love of God. What are some practical ways that we can direct our attention to the love of the Lord? (Be practical - give day to day examples)

  9. What is a significant way that you have seen the love of God recently? How has it impacted your prayers for others? 

  10. At the end of the sermon, Jason gave us 4 takeaways to consider. Were there 1 or 2 that really challenged or resonated with you?

    • No matter how unlovely you may feel, God loves you.

    • If you’re sensing a call to missions or ministry, trust Him and get going.

    • Expect opposition.

    • Take a step toward intentional prayer for missions.

Phil Wing