The Lord's Prayer - Week 2

Sunday, August 8, 2021

  1. At the beginning of this week’s sermon, Jason shared a story about his dad fixing his car with a penny, a pen, and some tape. Jason’s point was that he had to learn to trust less in the available resources and more in the one he was with… the provider over the provision. Have you ever been in a situation like that where you learned a similar lesson?

  2. Take some time to re-read the Lord’s Prayer. Matthew 6:9-13

  3. The sermon really focused on vs 11. What is the “daily bread” that Jesus refers to here? 

    • Why would those words “daily bread” be significant to the Jews who were listening to Jesus that day?

      • What would those words cause them to remember from their history?

      • Why would Jesus connect that memory to His instructions of how to pray?  

  4. Why are we so prone to doubt that God will provide? 

    • It seems that there is a connection between doubt, disbelief, and disobedience. Why do you think that is? (How does one lead to the others?) 

  5. Like the children of Israel, we often grow dissatisfied with God’s provision. Though God is giving us everything we need for each day, we can often still feel dissatisfied. Why is that?

  6. Read Matthew 7:7-11. What is the significance of the bread/stone/snake illustration that Jesus used?

    • What does it tell us about our Provider and His provision?

    • How does it both challenge and encourage us as we reflect on ourselves and our approach to prayer?

  7. In the Lord’s prayer, vs. 11 begins with the words “Give us…”. What are the implications of a request that begins with those words? 

    • Why is this part significant in our approach to prayer? 

  8. Jason gave us 2 reasons to make requests like that in prayer: it keeps us humble and it keeps us thankful. 

    • How does prayer keep us humble?

    • How does prayer keep us thankful? 

  9. Finish by spending some time praying together in these ways:

    • That we would see God as both Provider AND Provision.

    • That we would grow in our trust & satisfaction of His provision of “daily bread”. 

    • That those who have specific needs would see God at work in their circumstances and see those needs be met. 

    • That UBC would trust God as He leads us into our chapter. (focus on discipleship & missions, potential Covid decisions, building project, etc.)

Phil Wing