The Lord's Prayer - Week 1

Sunday, August 1, 2021

  1. Were you taught the Lord’s Prayer as a child or as an adult? How did you learn it?

  2. Take some time to read the Lord’s Prayer aloud. Matthew 6:7-13

  3. The Lord’s Prayer falls within the “Sermon on the Mount”. In your own words, how would you sum up the point/theme of the Sermon on the Mount? 

    • Again, in your own words, how does the Lord’s Prayer fit within the point of the Sermon on the Mount?

  4. On Sunday, UBC elder Scott Dixon, focused on how “Kingdom prayer begins with a name.” What is the name that is referenced in the Lord’s Prayer and why does it matter when we come to Him in prayer? 

  5. What are the differences between relating to God as employer/employee vs father/child?

  6. Remembering that God is our father, vs 10 comes in with quite a challenge. What is that challenge?

    • Why is submission so hard? 

    • Scott shared a quote from Tim Keller - “God will always give you what you would have asked for IF you knew everything He knows.” How does that impact your view of submission to God? 

  7. Why is it important for us to recognize that God is BOTH Father and King? 

    • How do our prayers sound when we forget one of those? 

    • What happens in our hearts when we are able to see Him as both?

  8. Scott gave us 3 questions to ask ourselves. Which of those questions spoke directly to you?

    • Is God your father?

    • Are you living like He is your king? 

    • Do you need to be reminded again that He loves you like a father?

  9. Finish by reading vs 9-10 again and then praying in 3 ways:

    • That those who do not yet know God as a Father would be saved. 

    • That each person at UBC would experience even more of the fatherly love of God. 

    • That we would submit to God as King and that UBC would be a church that is ready to follow our King’s lead.

Phil Wing