The Lord's Prayer - Week 4

Sunday, August 22, 2021

  1. In the message from Sunday, Scott Dixon (UBC Elder), talked about his love for war movies. For fun, what do you think is the greatest war movie you’ve ever seen? 

  2. Take some time to review the last 3 weeks of the Lord’s Prayer series. What were the big points/themes/etc? 

  3. Scott warned that If we aren’t careful, we can fall into one of three traps when we approach prayer. Have you ever noticed any of these tendencies in yourself? :

    • using prayer to try and manipulate God

    • viewing prayer as some sort of magical spell to make our wishes come true

    • using prayer as a tool to get God on our side

  4. Take some time to re-read the Lord’s Prayer - Matthew 6:7-13

  5. Scott’s big idea was that Kingdom prayer is prayed with realistic hope. As you look at vs 13, what does it mean to be “utterly realistic” when we pray? 

    • Do you ever struggle to pray honestly/realistically? If so, why? 

  6. What does “lead us not into temptation” mean? Or, what does it NOT mean? (Also see James 1:13, Psalm 26:2, I Peter 4:12.)

  7. If Kingdom prayer is to be marked by realistic hope, what part of Matthew 6:13 makes us hopeful? Why?

  8. Where has your hope been anchored lately? 

    • If not in Christ, where has it been? 

  9. Do you need the reminder today that Jesus is your deliverer? 

    • Recall what He has delivered you from. (big and small)

    • How does that reminder impact your prayers? 

  10. How has your prayer life grown (or been challenged) over this past month as our church has gone through this series?

Phil Wing