Why We're Here - Week 1 - Worship

Sunday, August 29, 2021

  1. Do you remember the first time that you really considered what you would do with your life? (What you would really live for… or die for.) 

    • What was it that made you really consider it? 

    • At that time, what would your answer have been?

  2. In the sermon, Pastor Jason referenced a video from John Piper preaching at “One Day” in Memphis, TN. What do you remember about that video clip? Were there any points/statements that stood out to you?

  3. As we start this new “Why We’re Here” series, our goal is to call each person at UBC to remember what life is truly about. In this first sermon, Pastor Jason preached from I Corinthians 8:6. Re-read that verse aloud and pray that the Lord would help you know and understand it in a deeper way. 

  4. This verse makes it clear - God is why we’re here. In vs 6, pay attention to the words “from”, “for”, and “through”. When it comes to understanding why we’re here, what is the word “from” in vs 6 pointing at? (see also Gen 1:1, Rev 4:11)

    • Why does it matter? 

  5. Verse 6 also says “for whom we exist”. The word “for” isn’t just talking about who our Maker is, but is now indicating our purpose. (See also Psalm 139:16, Eph 2:10)

    • What are the differences between living for our own purposes versus living for His purposes? 

    • What tensions do YOU feel between having God as the center of your life versus having yourself at the center of your life? 

  6. Jason referenced the Harvey quote “The 2 best days of your life are the day you were born and the day you figure out why.” If you could summarize in 1 sentence, what is your *why*? (Don’t overthink it - just put it in your own words.)

  7. Finally, I Corinthians 8:6 uses the word “through” twice. What are these 2 uses of “through” pointing at in this verse? 

    • How can life be both from the Father and through the Son? (Remember the distinctions Jason made between the SOURCE and the MEANS.) 

  8. God is why we’re here. Our lives are made by Him and are meant to be centered on Him. In other words, we are here to live worshipful lives. What is one way that God is challenging you to live a more worshipful life? (Be specific. Don’t generalize. Be practical, not vaguely spiritual.) 

  9. To finish, spend some time praying for those areas where God is challenging you to be more worshipful and God-centered. Also pray that UBC would continue to grow as a worshipful church living for God’s purposes.

Phil Wing