Acts - Week 14 - Easter Sunday

Sunday, April 17th, 2022

  1. What were some of your Easter traditions when you were growing up (if you had some)? 

    • Do you have any Easter traditions now?

  2. If you were able to join the UBC service on Easter Sunday, what was special about it to you?

  3. Pastor Jason continued our series through Acts and this past Sunday he focused on one key verse - Acts 5:30. Take some time to read it aloud now. 

  4. What happens in your heart & mind when you read or hear the story of Jesus’ resurrection?

    • Do you ever struggle to believe in the resurrection? 

  5. Jason shared 3 reasons to have confidence in the resurrection: because of the eye-witnesses, because there was no corpse discovered, and because of the belief of the apostles that led them to both live and die for the message. 

    • Who were some of the eye-witnesses?

    • Jason said “The stone wasn’t rolled away so Jesus could get out. It was rolled away so people could see in.” Put yourself in the shoes of one of the apostles or one of the women who were close to Jesus - how would you have responded if you showed up to find a body-less tomb? 

  6. Make a quick list of some of the important things that the resurrection accomplished. (See Rom 4:25, Rom 6:8-11, Rom 8:11, Rom 8:34-39, I Cor 15:12-28, I Peter 1:3-5, etc.)

  7. Jason highlighted the transformational power of the resurrection and the way it played out in Peter’s life - his fear was changed to power, his failure was replaced with calling, and his future was filled with hope. Have you experienced similar transformation? If so, share an example of something that has been transformed in your life.

*Need to Know*

Volunteer Opportunity with Dayton Soccer
Dayton Soccer works with inner city youth, including refugee children, to share the love of Christ through sport and to build character, courage, and community. They have an immediate need for two to four volunteer drivers for Tuesday night practices (6:00pm-7:30pm) and Saturday morning practices (9:00am-10:30am) at Bomberger Park in Dayton. The season will run until the last week of April.  If interested, contact TJ Milby at 

Miami Valley Women's Center Walk for Life is coming up!
Date/Time: Saturday, May 14
Location: SouthBrook Christian Church - Miamisburg
Consider walking or supporting someone who is! You can raise funds one of two ways: 
(sign up by going to Visit the Mission Table in the lobby for more information or contact Elizabeth Hunter

Phil Wing