Acts - Week 13

Sunday, April 10th, 2022

  1. Holy Week is a time to help us reflect on what led up to the crucifixion of Jesus in order to truly celebrate the power of the resurrection. What is one thing that you are reflecting on this Holy Week? (Or one thing that has grabbed your attention this Holy Week)

  2. This week’s passage is Acts 5:12-16. Have someone from your group read it aloud. 

  3. Throughout scripture, what is the big picture goal of the various “signs and wonders” (miracles) that are done? (For help, see Pastor Jason’s thoughts here.) 

  4. In v13, Luke describes people who had been brought to the Lord, held the apostles in high esteem, but were scared to join them outside the temple (Solomon’s Portico). What do you think is going on there? (If they’re believers, why aren’t they right there with the apostles?)

    • How could this potentially relate to many in our church today? 

  5. With many of us coming from various church backgrounds (or no church background), there are many perspectives & experiences regarding “signs and wonders”. What has your experience been? (Was the topic avoided? Was it constantly talked about/desired? Did you see wonderful healings or unexplainable things? Did you ever see it abused/manipulated? etc.) 

  6. Do you ever struggle to ask the Lord to heal? If so, why? 

  7. How can we discern between real miracles from the Lord and other mysterious or seemingly supernatural experiences? (See Pastor Jason’s thoughts here.)

  8. How have you seen the work & power of the Holy Spirit recently? 

  9. Finish by spending some time praying together for the Holy Spirit’s power to be evident in our lives and in our church. Also, if there is anyone in the group that is seeking the Lord’s healing, join them in praying for God to do a mighty work.

Need to Know

- Good Friday || April 15 || 2 Services at UBC (Main) || 5:30 & 7:00pm
- Easter Sunday || April 17 || 1 Service at Bales Arena || 10:30am

Phil Wing