Acts - Week 32

Sunday, September 18, 2022

  1. How many of you have ever been on a missions trip? (raise of hands)

    o How many have you been on? (share)

    o Share where you have gone. (round robin)

    o What do you remember about your first experience?

  2. As we dive back into the book of Acts, Paul and Barnabas’ first missionary journey is coming to a close. While many have received the good news of the Gospel, Paul and Barnabas have also faced a good deal of persecution. Read passage togetherActs 14:19-28.

  3. Jason shared with us some examples of Christians in the U.S. standing up for Christ and facing persecution. Do you have any other examples to share?

    • In the U.S.?

    • Overseas?

  4. In vs. 21-23, Luke records a number of activities Paul and Barnabas used to both

    disciple the church and equip the church. List some of those.

    • What other ways do we “strengthen disciples” that aren’t mentioned in this passage?

    • How do growth groups contribute to that disciple making mission?

  5. What do we learn about the leadership structure of these early church plants?

    • How does the leadership structure at UBC reflect this same leadership


  6. Jason ended the sermon with some practical challenges. One of those involves how we at

    UBC support missionaries (just like Paul and Barnabas):

    Share what you know about the missionaries and missions program at UBC.

    (Leaders - in order to get a list of our missionaries, you will need to contact Jim Corbin - – we don’t put the list on the website due to some missionaries being in sensitive areas of the world.)

    • Who are some of our missionaries?

    • Where are they serving?

    • Are there specific organizations we support?

  7. What are some ways we could emulate the church at Antioch and support our


  8. Let’s spend some time praying for UBC’s missions effort and specific missionaries.

Scott Dixon