Serving Sunday

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Given the unique focus on serving this past Sunday, our questions and discussion will be a bit different. First let’s do a ministry audit amongst the group.

  1. Begin by making a list of all the various UBC ministries that people in your group are

    involved in.

  2. Now have individuals share what is involved with the particular ministries – what it

    entails and time commitments, etc. (encourage questions from the group about each


  3. Share needs for each ministry and what people can pray for regarding that ministry.

  4. Have volunteers pray for each of the ministries represented.

  5. Does anyone have a dream or “vision” for a ministry at UBC not currently

    represented? (for example, a new one has begun focused on foster care families) Share

    your dreams and ideas.

Now lets focus on the passage and Rick’s testimony from the morning service.

Read the passage togetherHebrews 6:10.

Review Jason’s three points:

  • Serving in the church is work.

  • What we see as work for the church, God sees as love for his Name.

  • God won’t overlook your work for the church even if people do.

  1. Why can serving in the church be so hard?

  2. What is the significance of Matthew 25:31-46 to points 2 and 3?

Review Rick’s testimony:

  1. What did Rick mean by a “divine intersection”?

  2. Share one from your own life.

  3. Discuss what Rick meant by contrasting a lighthouse with a miner’s cap when seeking

    the Lord’s will for one’s life.

  4. Share a time (decision making point) when this has been true in your own life.

Scott Dixon