Acts - Week 37

Sunday, January 15, 2023

This week’s passage:  have a volunteer read Acts 16:6-15 

  1. What stands out or raises questions for you from this passage? 

  2. Has there ever been a time when you sense God telling you "no" & leading you in a different direction? Describe it.

  3. What is the significance of Lydia in the story and in the spread of the Gospel? Gender? Beliefs?  Response to Paul’s message?

  4. Jason contrasted responding to God with our head (alone) and responding also with our heart.  Make a list/table contrasting the two.  (TIP:  information vs transformation, mind vs will, etc)

  5. When and how did God open your heart to the Gospel? 

  6. Lydia (and her household) were quick to be baptized.  Why is this significant?

    1. What is the reason/purpose of baptism in the life of a Christian?

    2. What are some of the excuses we use to avoid baptism and how did Jason answer them?

      1. “I’m not where I should be, yet” 

      2. “I get nervous being in front of people”

      3. “I’m embarrassed to admit I haven’t been baptized” 

      4. “You don’t have to be baptized to be saved”

    3. What did Jason say was the only good reason not to be baptized?

  7. How does God’s character help us during those times when he seems to be saying “no” in the present?  (Hint:  sovereignty and love)

  8. End your time together praying as a group.

Scott Dixon