Acts - Week 38

Sunday, January 22, 2023


  • Elder/Deacon nominations

o All current UBC members should have received an email

  • If you didn’t, contact your group leader ASAP or church office

o Nominations open until midnight, Sunday (1/29)

o Ask: any questions or clarifications?

This week’s passage: Acts 16:16-40 (read as group in round-robin manner)

We have in our passage this week two stories about two different individuals (slave girl and Philippian jailor) who came face to face with God’s messengers (Paul and Silas) and God’s message. Begin this week’s discussion by comparing and contrasting these two stories:

What is similar in the story about the slave girl and the story of the jailor?

o Historical context?

o Ethnicity? Age? Gender?

o Vocation?

o Etc?

What is dissimilar between the two?

o Historical context?

o Ethnicity? Age? Gender?

o Vocation?

o Etc?

How did each respond to Paul and Silas?

How did each respond to the message of Paul and Silas?

Any further observations/comments how these two stories might play off each other? In other words, taken together, what can we learn about the Gospel and how we take the Gospel to the world?

-Story of the slave girl-

Jason mentioned the continued curiosity with divination and knowing our future.

o Can you share examples?

o Why, in a supposedly enlightened culture, do we still see this interest?

What is the significance of the slave girl’s comments about Paul, Silas, and their message?

o Have someone read James 2:17-19

What does this tell us about true faith?

-Story of Philippian Jailor-

Share a time when God used a hardship in your life as a platform for the Gospel.

o Note how the prisoners were listening to Silas and Paul’s response to their suffering.

[SPECIAL NOTE: you can choose whether or not to address the following set of questions about suicide given your group’s maturity and willingness to interact with each other.]

As Jason mentioned, this is one of the few scriptural passages addressing/including the subject of suicide. What are some of your observations from the story itself?

How does Paul’s response in v. 28 help us?

[SPECIAL NOTE: the leader might want to reinforce the willingness and openness of this group to talk with anyone who is struggling.]

-Application Section-

Emphasis and order of believer’s baptism. What do we learn?

o Reminder: upcoming baptism class for those interested. (March 19)

o Can always have a conversation with a UBC staff member about being baptized (website or connection card on a Sunday or letting group leader know).

Remember how God’s purposes for our suffering may include bringing someone to salvation.

o Probably not as dramatic as Acts 16 but just as significant.

o Ask: any current or recent examples?

End your time together praying as a group.

o Especially for those we know struggling with suicide and deep pain.

o That the Lord would use our suffering in this broken world to make Him known.

Scott Dixon