Acts - Week 46

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Book Overview Questions:

1. Who wrote Acts? What are the three sections of Acts? What verse at the beginning of Acts shows us the three sections and is the thesis of the book?

2. BONUS QUESTION: What letter did Paul write while he was in Ephesus? (1 Corinthians 16:8-9)

Read Acts 19:11-20

(Reflect on the Main Idea from the sermon)

Main Idea: Do not attempt to use God, instead be eager to be used by God!

1. Jason talked about the contrast between God doing extraordinary miracles through Paul (19:11) and the sons of Sceva practicing exorcism in their own strength.

a. What are some examples in your life where you have tried to do something in your power rather than God’s power?

b. How might Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 apply to this discussion?

c. Are you eager to see the Lord work through you? How can you make yourself more available for his purposes in your life?

d. Consider Paul’s words in Colossians 1:28-29 (“Struggling with HIS energy that HE powerfully works within me”)

2. Paul was mastered by God, the sons of Sceva and the oppressed man were mastered by demons.

a. Can you think of examples of people in your life (or even yourself!) who believe they are operating in the power of God but are instead using God for their own purposes?

b. What does Matthew 7:21-23 add?

3. In verses 17-20, the people feared the Lord and it manifested in an outpouring of praise, confession and divulging wicked practices.

a. Do you believe you walk in the fear of the Lord? Evidences?

b. Are there practices or idolatry in your life you believe the Lord is leading you to lay down? Examples?

i. Maybe an example from your past?

ii. Maybe a story you’ve been told by someone else?

c. Are there ways you need to burn the bridges with your past?

d. Can you think of a moment in your life you experienced the power of confession to God and to others? Share that story.

4. Spend time sharing any requests and pray as a group.

Scott Dixon