Acts - Week 45

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Read Acts 19:1-10

1. This week’s big idea: “Helping people to become wholehearted disciples of Jesus takes time.”

  •  How did we see Paul exemplify this in our passage this week?

  •  How might this apply to our own discipleship endeavors?

2. Bill talked about those who “don’t have all the pieces necessary.”

  •  How did we see that manifested in our passage?

  •  What exactly is the difference between the baptism of John the Baptist and the baptism of Jesus?

  •  Can you identify someone in your life who does not have all the pieces? How can you share with them about the necessary pieces they are missing?

3. Bill preached on the process of making disciples this week and coming alongside others in their spiritual maturing process (This has been a theme the last two weeks!). Are there ways you can become more intentional to put this into practice in your life?

4. Along those same lines, who is your “one person” you need to be praying for and intentionally developing a discipleship relationship with?

5. Priscilla and Aquila last week “explained the way more accurately” to Apollos. This week, Paul asked leading questions to lovingly correct and share the Gospel of Christ. What are some ways we can learn from Paul, Priscilla, and Aquilla on correcting others in a way that is beneficial for others?

6. Paul developed a long-term relationship with the Ephesians (Acts 20:17-38, The book of Ephesians, and Timothy’s work in Ephesus in 1 and 2 Timothy). What does it look like for you to develop long-term spiritual relationships with others and why is that beneficial for the Kingdom?

7. What should our response be when friends or family “become stubborn and continue in unbelief” (19:9)?

8. Spend some time praying for specific people mentioned by the group this week.

Scott Dixon