Acts - Week 48

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Read Acts 20:1-16 together

Remember the Main Idea and reflect as a group.

God reaches the world through the work of The Church. Therefore, remain devoted to The Church.

Remind the group of the two application points.

  1. Devote yourself to the global church

  2. Devote yourself to the local church

Global Church Discussion Points

  1. We read about Paul leading the churches in Macedonia and other regions to care for the church in Jerusalem through tangible gifts. Have you ever seen a church or group of churches help another church in a meaningful way?

 (Hint: Builders for Christ is a good example!)

  • How should we think about partnerships with churches that are different denominations? Should we partner with them?

  • What issues, if any, would make you hesitant to partner with or assist another church?

  • Some pastors and leaders teach that you should only give financially to support their local church. Only the local church leadership should decide what funds, if any, are distributed to other churches or missions. Do you agree? Why or why not?

Local Church Discussion Points

  1. In the local church in Troas, the young boy Eutychus was raised from the dead right in their midst. Have you ever seen a miracle or something powerful or unexplainable happen in a setting with other believers?

  2. This passage talked about people listening and engaging with Paul's teaching all night long.

    • Have you ever been in a setting where you felt like you could continue engaging in the Word of God for an extended time like that?

    • Can you remember a time you experienced the presence of the Lord through preaching, worship, or deep Biblical discussion late into the night? What was that like?

    • How can our cultural conceptions hinder our capacity to bask in the presence of the Lord for long periods of time?

  3. The church in Troas was committed to sharing the Lord's Supper (breaking bread).

    • Is there a special memory you have that revolves around taking the Lord's Supper? Share about why it was a special moment.

    • In our church, we take the Lord's Supper on a quarterly basis, but we are considering increasing the frequency of which we take it. What do you think about that? 

  4. If you're 100% honest, what are some things that can keep you from being fully devoted to the ministry of your local church?

Bryson Jackson