Acts - Week 49

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Read Acts 20:17-38 together.

Remember the Main Idea and reflect as a group.

Main Idea: God reaches the world through the local church, and he calls elders to faithfully lead it.

Remind the group of the three application points.

  1. Pray for our elders to faithfully carry out their calling together

  2. Consider if the Holy Spirit is calling you into eldership

  3. Keep trusting Jesus as the Chief Shepherd of our church


  • Jason made this statement in his sermon, “The Spirit may lead you down a hard road but not the wrong road.” How have you experienced this in your life? Or in someone’s life who has been close to you?

    • What does it mean to be constrained by the Spirit? Have you ever experienced clear direction from the Holy Spirit in the way Paul described in verses 22-23?

    • Luke 9:23 “If anyone is to come after me, he must deny himself, pick up his cross daily, and follow me.” What is a practical step you can take this week to deny yourself and follow Christ?

    • Can you think of a time you supplied yourself instead of denying yourself?

    • Consider Philippians 3:7

  • Paul departs from the Ephesian elders with a clear conscience “having declared the whole counsel of God.” What does that statement mean?

    • What are some ways you are tempted to sugar coat the truth of the Gospel interpersonally with friends, family, or coworkers?

    • How can you orient your life in such a way you could make this kind of statement now or later in your life?

    • Consider 1 Thessalonians 2:4

  • Does anyone in the group aspire to serve the church as a pastor/elder? If so, how has God revealed that to you?

  • What are some ways you could spot someone who is serving as a pastor/elder but should not be in that position? What are the main functions of a pastor/elder?

(Hint: leading, feeding, tending, defending)

  • What would be some warning signs of our church not trusting God as the Chief Shepherd of our congregation anymore? How can we guard against this?

  • If you were on a search committee for a pastor/elder in our church or another church, what Biblical texts might you consult to think through someone’s ability to serve in this way?

(Hint: 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1, 1 Peter 5)

  • Please pray for our elders together as you conclude and ask the Lord to lead them as they lead the flock of UBC.

Bryson Jackson