Brand New - Week 1

Sunday, March 19, 2023

First, rehearse the purpose of the new series (now through Easter Sunday), “Jesus Changes People.” Today’s example: “Broken sinners can be changed.”

Second, have someone read this week’s text: Luke 7:36-50.

  1. Discuss what we know about the woman in the story (vv. 36-38).

  2. What would have been your honest reaction to the woman showing love to Jesus? Thoughts? Feelings?

  3. Reflect on the Pharisee’s response (v. 39). What did Jason mean by the phrase, “Salvation through segregation” when describing the Pharisee’s attitude?

  4. How do we as “good, law abiding” Christians living in the Miami Valley in 2023 reflect the attitude of the Pharisee? Examples?

  5. Now to Jesus’ response: review the parable.

    1. Did the woman love much because she was forgiven or was she forgiven because she loved much? (Hint: rehearse the point of the parable!)

  6. Why do those who are forgiven much, love much? What do / should you do when you find yourself not loving Jesus as much as you could?

  7. Based on your story, which sinner do you identify with more - the woman or the Pharisee? Why?

  8. Do you ever struggle to feel welcomed by other Christians? How should we think and act toward others in light of the forgiveness Jesus gives?

  9. As we saw yesterday, God can use this series in some very direct and personal ways. As a group, pray for UBC and your group that those of us who need changing will be changed by the work of the Spirit.

Scott Dixon