Brand New - Week 2

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Rehearse the purpose of the new series (now, through Easter Sunday), “Jesus Changes People.” Today’s example: “Jesus changes tormented people.”

  1. Begin by asking if anyone has had experience working with people who have had demonic possession or oppression. (If you don’t feel comfortable with this question, feel free to skip to #3.)

  2. Why do you think we fall into one of two responses when it comes to Satan and demons (overemphasis or underemphasis)?

Now, have someone read this week’s text: Luke 8:26-39.

  1. What specific parts of this narrative surprised you when you heard them?

  2. Using the description of the demon possessed man, how does Satan attack people?

  3. What did Jason mean by differentiating demonic possession and demonic oppression?

  4. Can a Christian be demon possessed? Why or why not? (Hint: these passages are helpful:

    I John 2:13; 2 Cor. 6:15-16; Col. 1:13; I John 4:4).

  5. Compare and contrast the man before and after meeting Jesus.

  6. If you have time, you might entertain further questions about this topic. If no one has a clear answer, submit the question(s) to and they will be passed on to the pastoral staff for answers.

  7. Given this week’s topic, does anyone have a specific request personally? Someone you are praying for or working with? Pray as a group.

PS – Here is a helpful article for more background on the topic of demons and Satan if you’d like to do some homework: The Gospel Coalition- Satan & Demons

Scott Dixon