Christmas in the Psalms
Sunday, December 4, 2022
Begin by reading the passage: Psalm 145. (Tip: read around the circle one verse at a time)
1. There are so many ways we can be distracted during the holiday season. Make a list:
2. Answer Jason’s main question for this week: “How do we give God the gift of praise in a season when we are giving people the gift of things?”
o Answer: when we focus on who God is.
3. Jason pointed out four reasons to praise God from Psalm 145. List those:
o God is: great, gracious, faithful and near.
4. How does verse 3 describe God’s greatness?
5. How do we often describe greatness when it comes to people or nature? How are those descriptions a shadow or echo of God’s greatness? (We are trying to be more specific and articulate about God’s greatness.)
6. How do verses 8-9 describe God’s graciousness?
7. Describe some times where God has been gracious in your life? (Tip: you might use the think/pair/share method here where individuals (1) consider a time of God’s graciousness, (2) share it with their neighbor, and (3) some share with the group.)
8. How do verses 10-17 describe God’s faithfulness?
9. How does verse 18 describe God’s nearness?
o Spend some time reflecting on how the advent season and the incarnation add to David’s description.
10. Jason ended with a practical tip for helping us focus on God during this season. He recommended an advent devotional by Paul Tripp. Have others found particular practices and/or devotionals helpful? Share those.
11. End by praying for each other and especially the families represented – even the children – and using this glorious season to focus on God’s glorious character.