Connected - We Do Church Life Better Together
Sunday, August 27, 2023
Read Ephesians 1:3-6 and 2:19-22
Review the main points and takeaways:
Main Idea: Doing Church life better together starts with remembering who we are
The Church is a family
The Church is a body
The Church is a temple
Two Takeaways:
You need to be connected to Jesus
If you are connected to Jesus, you were made to be connected to other believers
What were your thoughts on the beginning of this sermon series?
Who are the people/person who are/is helping you grow in your walk with Christ?
What are some experiences in your life where you have seen the church be a family for you?
How have your insecurities regarding your identity robbed you of intimacy with Jesus or other Christians?
Consider Romans 12:3-8
How are you taking your place in the structure of God’s temple?
What are some reasons people struggle to connect in the church? Do you struggle to open up to others in our church? Please explain
What are some ways you have detached from the body of Christ? Why can that be so tempting to us?
What is one way you can connect on a deeper level with your growth group or church family?
Next week we will be in Ephesians 4:1-16 “We Mature in Christ Better Together.” Please read and prepare your heart for next week’s discussion
Ask for prayer requests and close it out!