Connected - We Handle Life's Struggles Better Together
Sunday, September 17, 2023
Review the main points and takeaways:
Main Idea: We do our fight against sin better together
The Body of Christ is made up of many parts, not one
Though the Body of Christ has many parts, it is still just one Body
Two takeaways:
The more connected we are, the stronger and healthier our church will be
Disconnection from the church will make you spiritually unhealthy and vulnerable
Group Activity: (you need pens/pencils and paper)
Ask each person in your group to write down a few ways they believe they contribute/could contribute to the Body of Christ (do not share what you are writing down)
On a different piece of paper, have each group member write down a few ways they see others in your group serving the Body of Christ.
Share and compare answers! You can share anonymously or simply let each one take turns speaking life into their fellow group members.
What are some ways feelings/lies of inadequacy have hindered you from being connected and fulfilling your role in the Body?
How are you at building others up? What are some ways you can encourage others to step into their God-given role in church?
The parts of the Body we believe are less important are often more necessary than you know (12:22). How do we need to change our perspective on “weak” or “vulnerable” parts of our church? (i.e. people who are hurting, struggling, needy)
When one part of the Body of Christ succeeds in something, we all benefit. How are you at celebrating other’s successes? What are some ways you can make war on jealousy and competition in your heart?
Consider 1 Peter 4:10-11
What are some ways you can connect on a deeper level and use what the Lord has equipped you with to serve the Body?
Ask for prayer requests and close it out!