Genesis: Week 14

Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Please Read

  • Genesis 7:1-24

Discuss the Main Idea

To be in the path of God’s wrath leads to death, but to be in the place of God’s grace leads to life.

What does this passage teach us historically?

  • Noah did all that the Lord commanded him (he was obedient)

  • Noah believed and acted by faith

  • The hand of the Lord shut the door and saved Noah and his family

What does this passage teach us theologically?

  • God acts with holy wrath against sin

  • God is merciful to save sinners

  • God keeps His promises

What does this passage teach about us?

  • If you want to be saved from God’s wrath, you must have real faith

  • If you have real saving faith, it will be accompanied by real obedience

Questions For Greater Discussion

  • Have you been to the Ark encounter? If so, what were some of your thoughts on that experience?

  • Please read Ephesians 2:4-5. How does this passage show us the mercy of God? What are some examples of the mercy of God shown in your life?

  • Please read Titus 3:5. Why is it important the basis of our salvation is the mercy of God instead of our righteous actions?

  • How do you struggle to talk about God’s wrath? What are some ways we like to minimize the wrath and holiness of God? How does his great wrath make his mercy greater?

  • Please read Jeremiah 25:15 and Luke 22:42. How does this picture of God’s wrath in Genesis 7 heighten our understanding of the punishment Christ took on our behalf (cup of wrath) ?

  • What are some conflicts you face trying to walk with God with people around you who do not know Christ?

  • How does the story of Noah show us the Gospel?

Pray and close it out!!