Genesis: Week 22

Sunday, September 1st, 2024

Please Read

  • Genesis 12:10-20

Discuss the Main Idea

When we stray, God’s promises stay the same

What does this passage teach us historically?

  • Abram did not stay in the land God promised and moved down into Egypt (12:10)

  • Abram lies and manipulates in order to protect himself from the perceived threat of Pharaoh. (12:11-13)

  • God’s covenant promise of blessing is displayed through the accumulation of herds and servants for Abram

  • Pharaoh is cursed by taking Sarai as his wife

  • Abram and Sarai leave Egypt with “all they had”

What does this passage teach us theologically?

  • God keeps covenant with his people

How does this passage apply to our lives?

  • Conform your life to God’s promises and commands

  • Trust the Lord with your safety and well being

Questions For Greater Discussion

  • Please read Proverbs 3:5-6: What are some ways you feel you struggle to trust the Lord? Where is your dependence on Christ right now?

  • What are some of the promises of God that have encouraged you in specific seasons of your life? (Expect this kind of question a lot through Genesis)

  • Please read Luke 14:26-27: What are some ways you struggle conforming to “American Gospel” in contrast to true Biblical Christianity (Pick up your cross daily and follow me).

  • What are some ways Abram conformed? Can you think of a time you struggled with conforming to “normal patterns” of those around you not following Christ?

  • How would you define “covenant” in the Bible? What are some of the covenants in the Bible that help us understand God’s relationship with humanity?

  • Please read 2 Timothy 2:13: What are some ways God has been faithful even when you were not?

Pray and close it out!!