Genesis: Week 24

Sunday, September 15th, 2024

Please Read

  • Genesis 14:1-24

Main Idea

God accomplishes his purposes, trust His plan

What does this passage teach us historically?

  • Melchizedek is a “priest of God” and the king of Salem in some sort of dual role

  • Hebrews 7:1-28 Jesus is of the priestly order of Melchizedek.

  • Christ entered into a new and better covenant and this Genesis 14 text is a foreshadowing of the purpose and work of Christ as our Great High Priest.

What does this passage teach us theologically?

  • God is sovereign over the affairs of men

  • God keeps his covenant and accomplishes salvation through a new priest

How does this passage apply to our lives?

  • Entrust yourself to God

  • Hold to your confession of Jesus and go to Him with confidence

Questions For Greater Discussion

  • Please read Psalm 110. Why is it unique for this passage to identify the coming Messiah as “ruler” but also “priest”? What are some ways you are grateful for Jesus being our intercessor and high priest?

  • Please read Hebrews 9:15. What are some ways this new covenant should change our lives? What are some ways you give yourself over to other high priests?

  • What are some ways you struggle to bring your needs to Jesus as your mediator? How can we as a group help you bear these burdens to Christ?

  • Please read Hebrews 4:14-16. How do these passages build confidence in your walk with Christ?

Pray and close it out!!