Genesis: Week 26

Sunday, September 29th, 2024

Please Read

  • Genesis 16:1-16

Main Idea: In the midst of life’s many problems, trust in the God of merciful promise

What does this passage teach us historically?

  • Hagar was an Egyptian servant (probably came with them from Egypt in chapter 12).

  • Hagar was gifted the capacity to have children and “looked with contempt at Sarai” because she was barren.

  • God heard and met Hagar in the wilderness. He instructed Hagar to submit to Sarai instead of running.

What does this passage teach us theologically?

  • God is faithfully working his covenant promises even when we can’t easily see it.

How does this passage apply to our lives?

  • Entrust your problems into God’s hands instead of taking them into our own

  • Remember that God sees you with eyes of mercy

Questions For Greater Discussion

  • What are some of the similarities in this text (Genesis 16) and Genesis 12:10-20 between Abram and Adam in Genesis 3? How does Abram abdicate his leadership? In what ways can passivity be a problem?

  • “Hagar wasn’t looking for God but God was looking for her.” What are some ways God has come looking for you in moments when you were running from your problems?

  • Please read Galatians 4:21-23. What in your life today can you point to as being produced by your works/flesh rather than the Spirit and promise of God? What are some ways you tend to get in your own flesh rather than relying on the Spirit of God?

  • What are some ways you seek to take your life into your own hands instead of entrusting your life to the Lord? What are some ways you feel you need to “Give God a little help.”

  • Why does God show mercy on Hagar? Why does God show you mercy? (Feel free to read some of these if they are helpful: Psalm 23:6, Hebrews 4:16, Lamentatians 3:22-23, Titus 3:5, Romans 5:8)

Pray and close it out!!