Genesis Part 7
Sunday, March 17th, 2024
Please Read:
Genesis 2:18-25
what marriage is
Exclusive oneness in all areas of life
What marriage does
It leaves
It cleaves
It weaves
why marriage matters
Because it raises questions about being unmarried
Because it determines our sexual boundaries
Because of the cultural attempt to redefine marriage
Because Jesus affirmed God’s view of marriage and divorce
Because it leads to our worship
Because it depicts the Gospel
Questions for Greater Discussion:
Group Leaders: Think through the demographic of your group: Marriage, singleness, divorce, etc. can be a sensitive topic. Use discernment which questions to use and how to think through the content from Sunday as a whole.
Single folks: What are some struggles you have been working through related to being single right now? Where is your trust level with God (honestly) in this area of your life? What is your mission now in this season of your life?
Single folks: What are some areas of personal holiness you believe the Lord wants you to work on in this current time of your life? If God were to bring someone into your life to marry, would you even be ready?
Married folks: What are some areas of oneness you believe the Lord is calling you to grow in within your marriage relationship? What does it look like to really invite the Spirit of God into your marriage? How can you submit to your spouse?
Parents: What are some ways it has been or you envision it may be difficult to release your children in marriage? Are your prepared to release them to the Lord?
All: Can you think of some healthy Christian marriages you see in your life? What are some attributes of their love for one another you can emulate in your life? Who can you ask to disciple you in this area of your life?
Read Ephesians 5:22-33. What are a few ways our marriage relationships are supposed to reflect the Gospel of Christ? How should this passage enlighten our view of dating and getting married?
(Maybe split your group to discuss this if you decide to use this question) Are there areas of sexual fidelity you need to confess to the Lord and a brother or sister in Christ? How can you allow Christ to heal you and transform your mind? (Romans 12:1-2 here may be helpful).
Pray and close it out!!