Genesis Part 6
Sunday, March 10th, 2024
Read Genesis 2:4-25
what does this text teach us historically?
God breathed life into man
It was not good for man to be alone so God made woman out of man
What does this text teach us theologically?
Our God is the creator and giver of human life
God is not just powerful but also personal (Elohim in chapter 1 and Yahweh in chapter 2)
Our God has designed and defined marriage
what does this text teach us practically?
We must uphold and practice God’s design for marriage
Remember God made your earthly body to carry a heavenly gospel
2 Corinthians 4:7-10 shows our purpose
Questions for greater discussion:
What does it mean for humanity to be given dominion over creation? How should we understand the responsibility language in Genesis 2 today?
Read Daniel 7:13-14. How does Christ ultimately restore dominion post-fall? (Genesis 3) What does this imply when it comes to New Testament references to authority and dominion? You can read Luke 10:17-20 if you want to park here. (This is a fairly deep rabbit hole I’ve given you. Use your discernment group leaders on if your group would benefit from digging in on this).
Read Matthew 19:1-6. How does Jesus quote from Genesis in this passage? How does he seem to understand the meaning of Genesis 2:24? What are the implications for marriage looking at this passage?
What is an example in your life you have seen of a Godly marriage? What are some attributes you seek to emulate in the relationships in your life?
What are some ways that men and women complement each other well?
How does God’s creation of your body and good design affect your daily actions as a believer? Read Romans 12:1-2 and reflect on God’s breath in you leading towards Christian living.
Pray and close it out!!