UBC Mission Update - 2021, Issue 6

Judson First Baptist Church in Mawlamyine in eastern Myanmar

Prayer Focus: Summer Olympics - Tokyo

As you watch the Summer Olympics (and cheer on Team USA!), pray for Christian athletes, coaches, and spectators endeavoring to share the gospel in their spheres of influence.  The Olympics are a unique venue where the nations of the world literally come together in peace to compete; this presents a special opportunity for concentrated cross-cultural ministry.  Ask God to prepare hearts of the lost, and to empower His laborers by His Spirit to boldly proclaim the gospel of grace!

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Recent Highlight: UBC Family Raises Funds for Ekubo Ministries

A UBC family has followed and supported Ekubo Ministries in Uganda for the last several years. In May, the family read an update sent out by Ekubo Ministries which shared how they [Ekubo Ministries] were seriously lacking funds needed to purchase medicine for the villagers they serve. 

Ollie, the 9 year old son, immediately asked if he could set up a popcorn stand in their front yard. Within an hour he and his brothers were outside giving away free samples to anyone who showed up and accepting donations for the ministry. 

The stand continued for several days and, through the support of friends from church and neighbors, they were able to send $154 to help purchase medicine.

They learned that God can use anyone to serve, no matter how young or how lacking in resources, and are planning to raise more money in the future.

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Spotlight: The Wild Family & Beyond the Reef Foundation

Mike and Libby, along with their four boys, “The Wild Brothers”, have been leading church-planting and Bible translation efforts in remote parts of the South Pacific for the last 17 years. The Lord used their family to help establish the first church amongst a previously unreached people group and to translate the scriptures into their native tongue. They trained and discipled indigenous leaders and the church is now locally led and growing. 

In 2017, Mike and Libby founded Beyond the Reef Foundation (BTRF) where they currently oversee a multicultural team of Western missionaries and indigenous church leaders with their eyes set on six new unreached peoples in the broader region. The Wild’s are currently stateside but, Lord willing, they will return to the field late summer 2021 to carry on with their plans to open this new region to the gospel. Our [UBC's] giving will help fund their support vessel, the construction of an island operating base, and native team members in their missionary efforts.

Prayer Requests:

  1. For safe and expeditious return to the South Pacific (COVID-19 has complicated travel plans).

  2. For successful purchase and preparation of their support vessel for navigation throughout the region.

  3. For spiritual protection and boldness as they set out to preach Christ where He has not yet been named!

For more information about the Wild Family, check out the work they’ve done with Answers in Genesis at the link below:


For more information about the Wild Family’s current plans and operations, please check out the BTRF website below. It is password protected for security reasons; if interested, please stop by the UBC Mission Table before or after service and we will share the password with you. You may also request to be added to their email distribution list--just ask at the Mission Table and we will have you added to the list!



H2O Sunday Kick Blitz 

We have the opportunity to come alongside H20 Wright State and help with one of their events on Wright State University's campus!

What: H2O Sunday Kick Blitz

When: August 29, 2021

Where: Outside Student Success Center, Wright State University

Why: This is a key time to connect with new freshmen and returning students!

You can get involved in several ways:

  1. Get a team together to serve food and help with clean up

  2. Conversations! You can encourage students, pray over them, or have spiritual conversations with the aim of sharing Jesus.

  3. Give financially to support this event. The estimated cost of the event is $600.

To get involved or get more information, contact: Josh and Kari Ortega at h2owrightstate@gmail.com

Fall Class Offering from UBC Mission Core Team -- “Gospel Conversations”

How deep are your spiritual roots? If you had a family member or friend on their deathbed, could you share the Gospel with them? If God uses you to lead someone to Christ, would you know how to teach them to obey all that Christ has commanded (disciple them)?

Join UBC Mission Core Team this Fall on Sunday mornings (time TBD) for a class that will begin with gospel conversations and end with how to share the good news with Muslims. You will learn how to share your story, God's story, and the first steps in being a disciple who makes disciples and more.

To sign up and learn more, go to: https://ubc.churchcenter.com/groups/ubc-classes/gospel-conversations

To learn more, please stop by the Mission Table before or after service or email us at missions@ubcbeavercreek.com.

Caleb O'Neel