Generations: Week 3
Sunday May 24, 2020
What was something from the sermon that stood out to you?
Take some time to read Psalm 78:1-4 and Deuteronomy 6:4-9, 20-25 aloud.
Did you grow up with a family that practiced family devotions? If so, what did that look like in your home?
Deut 6:6 talks about the importance of having God’s word ”on our heart.” What happens when we pass on a faith that keeps God’s commands but is absent of a sincere heart for God and His word?
If you grew up in church, what were a couple of the most significant lessons you learned through your church’s ministry to kids?
In general, was your experience as a “church-kid” good or bad? Why?
In the sermon, Jason said that one thing we can teach our kids is that God has worked out all things for good. What is one example of a time that seemed hopeless or broken but God worked it out for good?
If your parents are believers, have they shared their testimony with you? If you’re a parent, have you shared your testimony with your children?
What is something the Lord has taught you personally that you would really like the next generation to know?
At the close of the sermon, Jason shared a specific vision for what UBC could look 53 years from now if we faithfully teach the next generation. Did any particular aspect of that vision resound with your heart? What might the kids of UBC look like in 53 years if we don’t teach them now?
What is 1 step that you can take to help the children of UBC know the ways of Jesus?
If your family is currently engaging in regular devotional time, what tools/resources have been most effective for you?
*If you find yourself unable to confidently say that you’ve been saved by Jesus, please reach out to your Growth Group or our church staff. We’d love to help!