Generations: Week 7
Sunday June 21, 2020
Dads seem to be known for their goofy or unique sayings. What is 1 thing your Dad always says/said that is funny or memorable to you?
When it comes to our parents, we always have things we want to imitate and things we don't. What is one thing you want to carry on that your father showed/taught you?
One last time, read Psalm 78:1-8 aloud. Please read Joshua 24:14-15 aloud as well.
In the sermon, Jason said that Christian fathers must choose to accept the God-given responsibility to raise our children to know the Lord. Then he said that choice must first be rooted in God’s faithfulness. Fathers, how does (or how should) the faithfulness of God impact your approach to leading your family?
The choice to be a Godly father may not be popular. As you think about the news, tv, movies, books, etc - how does our culture view fatherhood?
What pressures or oppositions does a Christian father experience?
Dads, know that our beliefs drive our behavior, what do you need to believe in order to take a step forward as a spiritual leader in your family?
At the end of the sermon, Jason gave 4 practical steps to be a spiritual leader in your home:
Share your testimony with your kids.
Have you ever done this?
Ask your kids how you can pray for them. Do it. Then follow up.
If you struggle to pray with/for your kids, what is holding you back?
Lead family devotions.
Was this modeled for you by your parents?
Do you have a regular rhythm of devotions with your family?
What changes would you have to make in order to implement this as a regular rhythm?
Find your place where you can model joyful service in the church.
Do your kids see you serving others regularly?
If you’re not actively serving, what are some things that you think you might be able to offer the church? (Basically, what natural gifts, abilities, cares, or passions do you have that you could use in the church?)
If you are the wife/child of a Christian father, how can you acknowledge & encourage them for their godly example?
“If you want to change a nation, appeal to the fathers.”
*If you find yourself unable to confidently say that you’ve been saved by Jesus, please reach out to your Growth Group or our church staff. We’d love to help!